Secrets of Atari hard-disk partitions By Al Fasoldt Copyright (c) 1994 by Al Fasoldt. All rights reserved. When Atari laid out the way hard disks should operate with the ST in 1985, it choose to stick with the method already in use for PCs at that time. This was a wise choice. The PC disk format was widely understood and easy to work with. PC standards have changed in the ensuing decade, and so have the standards used by Atari computers. But the basic operation of a hard drive attached to an ST, TT, STacy or Falcon should present no problem to anyone familiar with servicing or setting up PC hard disks. All hard disks that work with Atari's so-called 16/32-bit computers (or "Sixteen/Thirtytwo" -- "ST") use 512-byte sectors. This is true no matter how large the hard disk is. Let's back up a little and take a look at the way disks store information. To make disk storage fast and efficient, files of any size are divided into chunks called clusters when they are stored on disk. An ASCII text file consisting only of the letter "A" is one byte long in your computer's word processor, but it takes up much more space than that when it is stored on disk. Because the smallest storage space on a hard disk is a cluster, that single-byte file occupies an entire cluster on the disk. (The "A" would appear at the start of the cluster, but the rest of the bytes in the cluster would be so-called null characters -- characters that don't mean anything.) How big is a cluster? Normally, a cluster is two sectors long. So that means every file takes up at least 1,024 bytes (512 bytes X 2). This gets a little complicated when large drives are used. An explanation of how a single disk drive can appear to be many drives should help. For a number of technical reasons, a hard drive often works better when the computer deals with it in sections. These are called partitions. All computers of any kind make use of this technique. The drive is partitioned into two or more semi-independent areas that the computer sees as separate drives. (The computer has no way of knowing if Drive C: and Drive D: are physically separate or not.) One advantage of partitioning a drive is found in the way the computer deals with sectors. It's just plain impossible for a modern Atari to handle more than a finite number of sectors on each drive. (Don't blame Atari for this. Every computer has a limit.) For older Ataris using versions of The Operating System (TOS) prior to 1.04, the sector limit is 32,768. Newer models, with later TOS versions, have a sector limit of 65,536. If you do some simple mathematics, you'll see how this limit comes into action: No matter how large the hard disk is, the computer will only be able to work with either 16 megabytes or 32 megabytes, depending on the TOS version. (Here's the math: A limit of 32,768 sectors multiplied by 512 bytes per sector equals 16,777,216 bytes. That's exactly 16 megabytes the way computers count, and the other calculation yields exactly 32 megabytes.) What's this mean? To put it simply, TOS forces all of us to use partitioned hard drives if our hard disks are larger than a certain size. Actually, I'm not telling the whole story. There is a way (which I will explain shortly) to fool TOS into letting partitions get a lot bigger, but they can't be any size; there is still a limit. So if you're planning on replacing a small hard disk with a larger one -- one that holds 120 megabytes, for example -- you'll have to make a choice: Partition it into at least three separate drives or fool TOS into thinking the drive has no more than 65,536 sectors (taking it for granted that you are using a modern version of TOS). If you stick with the normal TOS method, you'll be using GEM partitions. These have 512 bytes per sector and two sectors per cluster. (GEM stands for Graphics Environment Manager, which has nothing to do with a hard disk, but that's the name these partitions were given.) If you want to make larger partitions -- ones that are bigger than GEM sizes -- you'll need to choose BGM ("Big GEM") partitions. These can contain many more sectors, but the actual sector count is not disclosed to TOS. As far as TOS knows, the partition ALWAYS has 65,536 sectors or less. As in GEM partitions, clusters are two sectors long. TOS is kept in the dark by a technique that uses logical sectors. Each logical sector is made up of many physical sectors. What TOS is told is the number of logical sectors, not physical sectors. The scheme works quite well. Some very old programs don't run properly when your drive uses these larger BGM partitions, but most modern programs have no problem with them. BGM partitions can be as large as 512 megabytes. This is wonderful, right? Well, not really. While it's great to be able to hang a 512-megabyte drive onto your computer and treat the entire disk as Drive C:, you sacrifice two things. One is generally acknowledged and the other is not. The first sacrifice is efficiency. In order to get TOS to go along with a 512-megabyte partition, the hard-drive software bunches up eight sectors and reports them as a single sector to TOS. Two of those large logical sectors are then stuck together into a cluster. Remember, the smallest unit of disk storage is a cluster. So that cluster contains 16 sectors. Doing some math, we can see that the smallest unit of storage on a 512-megabyte partition is 16,384 bytes (512 bytes X 16 X 2). This means every file, no matter how small, will take up at least 16,384 bytes of space on the drive. That probably seems like a lot of wasted space for all the small files on your drive. But it's even worse than it seems. EVERY file is likely to be affected. On average, the last cluster of space for each file is only half used, so the average amount of wasted space -- called slack space -- is half the size of one cluster. On a 512-megabyte partition, this slack space amounts to 8 kilobytes per file. If the drive holds 1,000 files, the total slack space is 8 megabytes. Folders are a special case. They are actually files that contain references to other files. Because they are files, they take up one cluster of space on a drive. The more folders you have, the more space is wasted on a BGM partition. On my main storage system, I have more than 1,000 folders, each one of them "empty." (Folders are always shown as empty in a directory listing.) They take up 16 megabytes of space -- hardly anybody's definition of "empty"! The second sacrifice is seldom mentioned. One reason for using a much larger hard disk is to store more files. (This makes sense, right?) But you cannot, strictly speaking, store more files on a large partition than you can on a small one. Say that again? You heard it right. A large disk partition cannot store more files than a small one because each file takes up at least one cluster, no matter how large or small the disk is, and the number of clusters is fixed. On an Atari computer with a modern version of TOS, no hard disk partition can hold more than 32,768 files. To accomplish this, each file would have to be no larger than a single cluster (two sectors). In reality, the limit is a little less than this, because some of the clusters are reserved for use by the drive itself, and others must be used for folders. (A partition with no folders can hold only a few hundred files, because the root directory is a fixed size.) This is more trivia than anything else, since no one is likely to try to store 32,000 1,024-byte files on a disk. But the facts are clear: A large partition cannot store more files than a small partition if the files are all small. Here is how much space a single file takes up on a disk (in other words, this shows the cluster size), even if the file is only a few bytes in length, assuming a TOS version of at least 1.04: GEM partition, maximum size of 32 megabytes: 1,024 bytes. BGM partition, maximum 64 megabytes: 2,048 bytes. BGM partition, maximum 128 megabytes: 4,096 bytes. BGM partition, maximum 256 megabytes: 8,192 bytes. BGM partition, maximum 512 megabytes: 16,384 bytes. The lesson here is to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of BGM partitions before choosing one or the other. BGM partitions make everything easy: You need to deal with a minimum number of drive partitions, and disk operations are often faster. (Moving a file from one folder to another on the same partition is done very quickly, since all the operating system does is rewrite the pathname from one entry to another.) But they also waste space. Hard disks are cheaper than ever, and that wasted space doesn't cost much in dollars. But it does seem like an unnecessary loss of space otherwise, especially considering the increasing slack space as partitions grow. (This document cannot be printed or republished in any form without the express consent of the author. Al Fasoldt is Systems Editor of the Syracuse Newspapers in Syracuse, New York, and author of a syndicated newspaper column on computers and technology. He can be reached at this Internet address: